Newport Pagnell and Olney Lions Club

We meet for business on the First Monday of each Month alternately at the Two Brewers, High Street, Olney, and The Swan Revived Hotel, High St, Newport Pagnell, both commencing at 7:30 pm.  Check our Calendar for our venue on any specific dates.


 A social meeting/event takes place on or around the Third Week of each month - check out what we are up to by accessing our calendar.


We belong to the International Association of Lions Clubs a worldwide organisation which exists to meet the needs of local, national and international communities.

Amongst the activities carried out by over 1.4 million men and women in over 200 countries are vision and health screenings, eye hospitals, awarding of scholarships, assisting youth, providing help in time of disaster and much more. At a local level, Lions can often provide support where 'officialdom' has failed and we are justly proud of the speed in which assistance can be offered.

Our Club carries out service activities within the towns of Olney , Newport Pagnell, surrounding villages and the new City of Milton Keynes and our members are  drawn from residents of the area who wish to put something back into their community and work for the benefit of those less fortunate than themselves.

Lions clubs, whilst not social clubs, also have an active social calendar which sees our members enjoying a wide range of activities which include theatre outings, race days, restaurant trips and many other interesting events.  Club members give their time, skills and resources to raise funds for charitable giving both in their communities and internationally and work to a strict code of ethics which ensures that members maintain the highest standards in their service activities.

This club takes an active part in many fund raising activities within the local area using the money generated to enable club projects to be undertaken. We also operate internationally by contributing to the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), a trust fund which is used for humanitarian projects throughout the world.

A major project for LCIF is Campaign Sightfirst II, a  project set up to eradicate curable and preventable blindness throughout the world.  This club has played its part by funding an eye camp in a small village in the Indian sub continent which has enabled the restoration of sight to some 64 people, treatment for a further 250 to stop them going blind and prevention education for a further 300+, all for a very modest financial outlay.

The club is also actively promoting the Medicalert Foundation , the Lions supported organisation that provides a central monitoring service for people with illnesses which, in the event of an emergency, could become life threatening.

We have an active social calendar including frequent theatre outings, visits, talks and our annual Charter evening which is the 'birthday celebration' of the clubs foundation.

- Be a Friend of Lions -

 We have a reducing number of members and an increasing age profile, neither of which is conducive to the aims, objectives and benefits which a Lions club can bring to its area.

To counter these negatives, we started up our Friends of Lions - a group of people who sympathise with the Lions ideals, have no desire to actually join the organisation but are willing (when able) to give us some time stewarding, can shaking, manning (or womanning) our bookstall etc. or simply joining in our social events when appropriate.   ABSOLUTELY NO COMMITMENT is expected and certainly no pressure will be exerted for a friend to become a member.

If you would like to receive an email when we need help (ignoring it totally if you are unable to assist) just visit our contact us page and let us know you would like to become one of our friends. 


If you are a visitor to Newport Pagnell, Olney or the Milton Keynes Area or would like more information about the club please contact Lion Bob Benbow bob.benbow@btinternet.com   who will be delighted to arrange for you to come along to one of our meetings.